
Liv (full name Liv Clara Victoria Weiss) was born in Norway and raised bilingual in Norwegian and German. Growing up her family moved a lot, which took her to various places, from Mo i Rana at the polar circle to Zurich in Switzerland.

The piano has been Liv’s lifelong companion, earning her accolades like the Rolv Dørums Minnefond prize at 12 years old. Although a setback occurred with the onset of polyarthritis, Liv continues to cherish her love for music and the piano.

Liv graduated as the top student of her year from the Swiss gymnasium Kantonsschule Zürcher Oberland in 2020, with the core subject music and complementary subject applied maths.

After an enriching gap year focused on sports and nutrition at Ringerike Folkehøgskole Liv began studying computer science at ETH Zurich in 2021. Liv Clara Victoria is currently still pursuing this degree.